
Monday, January 29, 2018

Customer complain/ feedback/ Defect Analysis and Investigation form (Fish-bone Diagram)

In any manufacturing sector, we have to give concentration to make products with well maintained quality. To ensure good quality, we have to reduce defects. For similar products, similar defects comes again and again. Too much defects leads to delay in production due to too much alteration of defected parts. Moreover, it leads to customer complain as well. So, we need identify top defects and do defect analysis in an established method. One of the many established method, Fish-bone diagram is the most popular one. It is also know as cause effect analysis. It is the most popular method for brain storming. We shall show you how to use a fish bone diagram to perform a Customer complain/ feedback/ Defect analysis. 

[Blank format:]

Customer complain/ feedback/ Defect analysis and Investigation form

Complain/ Feedback Details:
Date:                            ……………………………………………………
Customer Name:          ……………………………………………………
Received by:                ……………………………………………………
Received through:        Verbal /Over phone/ Over mail /…………………..
Complain details:         ……………………………………..………………

Cause and Effect Analysis
(Fish-bone Diagram)

Investigation Details and Action points
Ref. no.
Complain/ feedback / Defect details
Investigation of Root cause (from Fish bone diagram)
Corrective Action taken
Preventive Action plan
Action by
Action Date






Remarks:                      ………………………………………………………………………..
Investigation done by: ………………………………………………………...........................
 Investigation Date:  ......................................................................................................



Customer complain Investigation form
Complain Details:
Date:                            15-Jan-18
Customer Name:          ABC International
Received by:                Quality Manager.
Received through:        Verbal (Over phone)
Complain details:         Garments quality was found unsatisfactory. Following problems were found: Fly yarn, Hole, Loop, oil spot

Cause and Effect Analysis
(Fish bone Diagram)

Investigation Details and Action points
Ref. no.
Complain details
Investigation of Root cause (from Fish bone diagram)
Corrective Action taken
Preventive Action plan
Action by
Action Date
Garments quality was found unsatisfactory. Following problems were found: Fly yarn, Hole, Loop, oil spot
Unskilled operator, Carelessness, Lack of knowledge of defects

On-job Training was provided to the workers.
Internal meeting regarding key processes with all production workers and quality inspectors will be taken before starting any new style.
Quality Controller and supervisors.
Poor control, Improper supervision

Supervisor and Quality controller were advised for better monitoring
Supervisor and Quality controller will be advised to monitor production process properly.
Quality Manager.
Improper machine set up, Improper machine maintenance
All the machines were checked and adjusted properly to ensure proper quality.
Mechanics will check the machines regularly and to ensure proper set up and no oil leakage.
Maintenance Manager
Poor quality raw material, Improper machine maintenance

Defected raw materials has been changed from store with good raw materials.
Incoming Raw Material inspectors will be given on-job training. 
Store manager
Fly dust and fiber in air

Dust cleaning operation has been introduced in packing section.
Manual dust cleaning operation will be introduced for every style before packing.
Finishing in-charge

Remarks: All actions will be taken immediately by concerned persons. 
Investigation done by: Quality Manager
Investigation Date:       18-Jan-18

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