
Monday, January 22, 2018

Quality Policy based on ISO 9001:2015.

Quality policy is the core element of a Quality Management System. It reflects the commitment and intention of top management in business. It states how top management defines quality in the organization. It should be very short, simple and precise. It has to cover all the required elements suggested by ISO 9001 and other compliance obligations.

ISO-9001:2015: 5.2.1 Establishing the quality policyTop management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality policy that:a) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction;
b) provides a framework for setting quality objectives;
c) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements;
d) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the quality management system.

So, we have to consider following element to set quality policy:
1. Context of the organization:
Quality policy will be based on context of the organization which will focus on the core business of the organization. We consider whether the business is local, national or international; whether it provides goods or services; product types: garments, automobile, construction materials etc. The quality policy of a ready-made garments (RMS) industry may differ from a leather or automobile industries because of strategic direction.
2.       Frame work for setting quality objectives:
The next step of setting a quality policy is to set quality objectives. So, when we set quality policy, we have to keep in mind that we shall set quality objective based on the quality policy. So the policy should give an easy guideline to set quality objectives.
3. Applicable requirements, compliance obligations:
All the manufacturing units work with various types of stakeholders e.g. retail brands, government, non-government organizations (NGOs), employees etc. So, their requirements should come in consideration.
Example: Various retail brands have their own quality manual or code of practice. Some brands have a requirement that the quality policy must focus on safety, legality and quality. Some other brands has a requirement that the policy should focus on customer satisfaction and on-time shipment. Some brands are focused on environmental preservation. So, before setting a quality policy, we need check all the standards for which the organization is subscribed for. 
4. Continual improvement:
ISO 9001 is highly focused to continual improvement in its every step. So the policy must show top management’s intentions to continual improvements.

Example of Quality Policy:
“We provide safe, legal and quality products ensuring customer satisfaction and deadline with an approach to continuous improvement and reduced environmental impact.”

Explanation: This quality policy statement shows the commitment of top management to ensure the following things:

1.       Product safety,
2.       Product legality,
3.       Product quality,
4.       Customer satisfaction
5.       On-time shipment
6.       Continuous improvement of QMS
7.       Environmental preservation etc.

This way, quality policy can be made considering above mentioned requirements. This also gives a framework for setting up the quality objectives in the next steps. This is an example only. You can design your quality policy based on your organizational context, strategic direction and all other requirements.

ISO-9001:2015, 5.2.2 Communicating the quality policyThe quality policy shall:a) be available and be maintained as documented information;b) be communicated, understood and applied within the organization;c) be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.

After setting up a quality policy, organization must maintain the following steps.
1. Documented information: The quality policy must be documented and signed by the top management.
2. Communication and training: The organization must communicate this policy within the organization. It can be posted in visible places in work stations. To ensure understanding, employees should be provided trainings on quality policy and its application.  This topic should be added to induction training and all other job specific trainings. It will make it easy to handle and communicate.
3. Availability: The policy must be available when requested by any interested party. Moreover, the organization can upload this policy to its website. It will help interested parties to find it easily anytime. 

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